Assisted living · Caregiver · Caregiving · Dogs · Memories · Mindfulness

Slow boat to the present / June 16, 2007

I’ve been mulling over the very insightful comments left by Marty and Gail on my last post. I think Gail summed it up well when she stated that “it’s the tension between ‘doing’ versus ‘being’.” I’ve always been someone who feels that the “being” will come later on–there is just so much that needs to… Continue reading Slow boat to the present / June 16, 2007

Assisted living · Caregiver · Caregiving · Dogs · Teaching

Time will tell / March 15, 2007

I almost adopted another collie last weekend. I’ve been sneaking a search or two on Petfinder during my workday, and one day I spotted the picture of a beautiful 4-year-old collie up for adoption in Connecticut. I filled out the application and the rescue organization responded enthusiastically. But the owner would be the one to… Continue reading Time will tell / March 15, 2007

Alzheimer's disease · Behavior · Caregiver · Dogs · Grief

Being sad alone / August 17, 2006

I returned to work today, after two whole days of being unable to control my tears. Although I dreaded the day I’d have to say good-bye to my beautiful boy, I was still unprepared for the torrent of grief that followed. I am extremely fortunate to work with many animal lovers–people who actually cried with… Continue reading Being sad alone / August 17, 2006

Alzheimer's disease · Behavior · Caregiver · Caregiving · Dogs

Stress, part 2 / August 9, 2006

I had read about memory loss, confusion and dysphasia, but I was not prepared for the behavioral changes that often come with Alzheimer’s. I don’t know if they are actually the second most stressful part of living with my mother–-after finances–-but they are the most likely triggers of my anger. Today, for example, I had… Continue reading Stress, part 2 / August 9, 2006